Urban Search & Rescue
The mission of Urban Search and Rescue Operational Area Regional Task Force (RTF) is to provide high-quality technical rescue resources staffed with skilled and dedicated personnel who are available for immediate response. Additionally, team members provide rescue-related training to non-team personnel. The team consists of approximately 40 members. Many team members are also members of one of the larger-scale USAR Task Forces in California which are operated under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). These teams are federal resources and often respond to the largest, most complex incidents worldwide.
The emergency response vehicle for the team, Urban Search and Rescue 91 (USAR91), is a Spartan/SVI Rescue Unit. The vehicle is equipped to handle a variety of incidents including confined space rescue, technically difficult auto extrication, swift water rescue, trench collapse rescue, structure collapse, and high and low-angle rope rescue. USAR91 can also be called to a fire scene to act as the Rapid Intervention Crew (RIC). The primary role of the RIC is immediate rescue of down or trapped firefighters.
Rescue team personnel and USAR91 are certified to a State of California Office of Emergency Services (OES) Medium level. To achieve this rating, the team has demonstrated to OES that it has the training and the equipment required to operate safely and effectively at incidents involving the collapse or failure of reinforced and unreinforced masonry, concrete tilt-up and heavy timber construction. The certification and resource typing enables OES to utilize USAR91 and team members in the event of a major disaster outside of the District.
In addition to the specialized response capabilities of the team, every engine and truck in the District meets an OES Basic level. These vehicles have tools in their inventories used to augment rescue operations including ropes, cribbing, air bags, and cutting and prying tools. With such a large variety of incidents and specialized equipment, training is a vital and constant necessity of the team. In addition to the type of incidents discussed above, team members are also trained to the Hazardous Materials Operational level and receive focused training in Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).